Category: Talen

Conversational English

Target group: for those who need to improve their pronunciation, speak and present in English more fluently and confidently.  The Conversational English course helps you develop better communication skills by improving on speaking, presenting and interacting in the English language.  Participants are guided in how to become more confident and more fluent. You will learn […]

Creative Writing for Teens

Target T(w)eens between the ages of 11-16 who love to read and write, no previous experience required. Course Description Creative Writing Workshop for Teens is an introductory course in creative writing tailored specifically for teens. Students will get the opportunity to experiment with different genres like fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Throughout the course of the […]

Dutch for Beginners

Target audience: Anyone who wants to learn how to speak Dutch Course Description: Dutch can be a challenging language to learn. On Aruba, Dutch is still widely used and most companies and organizations value employees that have at least a working knowledge of the language. On a personal level it is also important to master […]

English Business Writing Level 101 (IEI)

Target group Those who already have a sound knowledge of the English language, and need to improve their written communication skills to impact results and/or those who have successfully completed the English Grammar & Composition Level 202 course. This course is a practice-based program to apply contemporary skills in the presentation of communication principles, as […]

English as a Second Language

This is a fun and user–friendly way to learn English English as a Second Language (ESL) is a breakthrough in English language learning—imaginatively exploiting how pictures and text can work together to create understanding and help learners learn more productively. It gives beginner English learners easy access to the vocabulary, grammar and functions of English as […]

English Business Writing 202 (IEI)

Effective writing is an exceptionally important element of business communication. This course is directed at those who wish to sharpen and refine their written communications and want to be able to critically asses their own writing on relevance, stylistic elements, efficiency and usefulness. Learn how to articulate your thoughts effectively to create clear, unambiguous texts. […]

Nederlands Zoals Het Hoort

Doelgroep: Een ieder die voor hun werk of in het dagelijks leven dient te communiceren in Nederlands zoals het hoort Het Nederlands: een moeilijke taal; maar op Aruba wordt de taal nog regelmatig gebruikt. Het bedrijfsleven en de ambtenarij hecht nog steeds grote waarde aan een uitstekende beheersing van de Nederlandse taal in woord en […]

Zakelijke Correspondentie Nederlands

Doelgroep: Een ieder die belast is of belast gaat worden met het zakelijk corresponderen in het Nederlands. Het bedrijfsleven hecht nog steeds grote waarde aan een uitstekende beheersing van de Nederlandse taal in woord en geschrift. Dit blijkt onder andere uit de functie-eisen in personeelsadvertenties waarin wordt gevraagd om directiesecretaresses, managementassistentes en officemanagers. Bij schriftelijke […]