Lead by Learning.
Category: Bedrijfstrainingen
All-round Administrative AssistantMany organizations are downsizing and working only with the best. In order to be indispensable within an organization as the All-round Administrative Assistant you need to acquire and broaden the following skills: Excellent verbal and written communication skills Exceptional interpersonal skills and strong team orientation Exceptional organization and time management skills Ability to prioritize, handle […] |
Change Management WorkshopChange is a constant in our lives. All around us, technologies, processes, people, ideas, and methods often change, affecting the way we perform daily tasks and live our lives. Having a smooth transition when change occurs is important in any situation and your participants will gain some valuable skills through this workshop. The Change Management workshop […] |
Conducting Annual Employee Reviews WorkshopAn annual review can help you keep your employees happy, engaged, and focused. It is human nature to want to succeed. Giving your employees feedback on their positive and negative attributes is part of the pathway to success. A poorly designed annual review can have the reverse effect. With our Conducting Annual Employee Reviews workshop, your participants […] |
Conflict Resolution WorkshopWhere two or more people work together, there is a chance that conflict will arise. This workshop covers a seven-step conflict resolution process that participants can use to resolve conflict disputes of any size. Participants also are provided a skill set in solution building and finding common ground. In this workshop, participants learn crucial conflict […] |
Klantgericht Denken & DoenVeel meer organisaties zien in dat een goede communicatie met de klant bepalend is voor hun succes. In deze workshop van zes bijeenkomsten (plus een examen) gaan we in op hoe u namens een organisatie klantgericht en efficiënt telefoneert en bezoekers ontvangt. We gaan uitvoerig in op kennis en vaardigheden die belangrijk zijn in de […] |
Mentor in the Kitchen (3 days)Employee training and development is not only important for improving the quality of service but also for the growth and success of the business. The hospitality industry is all about providing exceptional guest experiences. As a Mentor you are indispensable for the development of (new) employees in the hospitality industry. You share your knowledge and […] |
Quality Customer ServiceTarget group Everyone who experiences direct customer contact, either in person or electronically: hotels, restaurants, banks, retail stores, customer service agents, sales persons, etc. Course Description Excellence in customer service is the hallmark of success in service industries and among manufacturers of products that require reliable service: the quality of your company’s service (or lack thereof) has an impact […] |
Real Estate 101Doc Opleidingen and the Association of Aruban Realtors (AAR) introduce the course Real Estate 101- for all AAR real estate agents to strengthen their knowledge and equip them with the basic skills and competencies needed to guide buyers and sellers through successful real estate transactions. Real Estate development training is critical to the success of […] |
Revitalizing Customer ServiceTarget audience Professionals working at any level within the banking industry of Aruba wanting to revitalize their customer service skills. This course will have participants using a variety of exercises and group activities to define basic customer service skills and examine how the use of those skills adds to the personal and professional productivity levels […] |
Supervisory SkillsManaging People and Performance Supervising others can be a tough job. Between managing your own time and projects, helping your team members solve problems and complete tasks your day can fill up before you know it. The Supervisory Skills workshop helps supervisor become more efficient and proficient with information on delegating, managing time, setting goals […] |
Time Management and Personal Motivation (English)Target group Personal time management skills are essential for professional success in any workplace. Those able to successfully implement time management strategies are able to control their workload rather than spend each day in a frenzy of activity reacting to crisis after crisis. The result is that stress declines and productivity increases. These highly effective […] |
Time Management en Persoonlijke Motivatie (Nederlands)Doelgroep Een ieder die zijn/ haar zakelijke en persoonlijke tijdsbesteding wil verbeteren en optimaliseren. Hard werken kan iedereen. De bedoeling ligt juist in het slimmer te gaan werken in plaats van harder te gaan werken. Dat betekent dat het opstellen van duidelijke doelstellingen, het goed plannen en het stellen van prioriteiten aangeleerd dient te worden. […] |
Workshop Giving and Receiving Effective FeedbackDelivering constructive criticism is one of the most challenging things for anyone. Through this workshop your participants will gain valuable knowledge and skills that will assist them with this challenging task. When an employee commits an action that requires feedback or criticism it needs to be handled in a very specific way. When done correctly, […] |
Workshop Improving Sales SkillsTurn Someone into a Buyer Although the definition of a sale is simple enough, the process of turning someone into a buyer can be very complex. It requires you to convince someone with a potential interest that there is something for them in making their interest concrete – something that merits spending some of their […] |